Monday, August 31, 2015


Psalm 12:6           And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times.

A psalm of confidence

The basic evidence of disloyalty to Christ is not the way people respond to God. It is most evident in the way they treat their neighbors. To be disloyal to Christ is to be two-faced when dealing with other Christians or one’s neighbor. Disloyalty means speaking in flattering tones while having a heart of selfishness and greed. Biblical religion is intensely human.   

Sincerity and truth are extremely valuable because they are so rare. They are rare because few people today truly trust in God with their daily lives and in their relationships. Were people trusting God in all corners of their lives, sincerity and truth would be prevalent. When someone fully trusts in God then human relationships are no longer frightening and dangerous. People can do nothing to us if God has not already ordained it.

Many people are deceivers, liars, flatterers; they think they can only get what they want by deception. As a king, David faced his share of such people who hoped to win his favor and gain advancement through flattery. Deception allows such people to gain the things in life that they want for themselves. They may speak of “righteous” motives but the benefits they seek are for personal gain.

When we feel as though sincerity and truth have disappeared from the world, we still have one hope, God. He does not change. His Word comforts and guides us daily. They are “flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times.”

Ministry Scenes

Have The Homeless Become Invisible?