Wednesday, April 22, 2015


 Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. 

          Not everyone you come into relationship with is good for you. There are many people who use relationships for material gain and nothing else. Then there are people you meet who contribute to your life in positive ways. Knowing the difference between them will have great impact on your life now and into the future.

          The wounds inflicted by unsafe people can be deep and lasting. If you have ever been a relationship with someone who used, abused or abandoned you then you will understand the dangers of unsafe people. If, on the other hand, you have found someone who encouraged, supported and loved you then you know the lasting impact they have had on your life, too.

          “Safe people are individuals who draw us closer to being the people God intended us to be. Though not perfect, they are ‘good enough’ in their own character that the net effect of their presence in our lives is positive. They are accepting, honest, and present, and they help us bear good gruit in our lives.” (pg. 11, Safe People)

          A skill many of us lack is the ability to discern the character of others. In biblical terms it is being able to distinguish between the “sheep and the goats”.  The wisdom to do this is given by God. He gives this wisdom to those who ask for it, like he did for Solomon. In gaining this wisdom we will find the resource needed to grow both personally and spiritually.

Ministry Scenes

Have The Homeless Become Invisible?