Thursday, April 16, 2015


Proverbs 7:21-23 With much seductive speech she persuades him; with her smooth talk she compels him. All at once he follows her, as an ox goes to the slaughter, or as a [deer] is caught fast till an arrow pierces its liver… he does not know that it will cost him his life. 

Christ has died and is resurrected. Because of him, we can have a connection to the Eternal God. We can be a member of the new community of forgiven. It is Christ Jesus who has made it possible for us to enter into a community with him and to connect to each other. This is wonderful but it does not happen often enough. Why?

Are we too ignorant to comprehend the possibilities he offers? No, our problem is foolishness. Foolishness is a by-product of deception. It is not that we are ignorant or mentally deficient. Foolishness tells us that what is bad, is good for us; and what is good, we become convinced is harmful.  This is moral stupidity, it is foolishness.

The Bible describes the fruit of our sinful nature clearly. But when we reflect on our lives it never looks so bad. Urges that are wrong seem to us to be quite innocent. Bad urges seem reasonable, in-style, justified, necessary or even the best thing for us.

Give in to your perception of life and you are trapped. Yield to the luster and you will be satisfied, for a moment. You will negotiate, seek reasons for and given in to “the flesh” as a slave. You learn to make life work on your terms and according to your preconceived notions. You become satisfied with your results, the pleasure you bring to your life.

Sin is independence from God. It is rebelling against God’s authority because we do not believe that his goodness is true. Sin depends on human resources and not God. Sin reduces our lives to manageable steps and to-do lists, removing the mystery that surrounds God’s providential care for us. Sin seeks to minimize risk in life to the exclusion of God’s love and care for us. Sin elevates our physical and emotional satisfaction above God’s plan for our lives. Sin is death to the soul.

Ministry Scenes

Have The Homeless Become Invisible?