Thursday, September 25, 2014


Proverbs 27:21           The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and a man is tested by his praise.

The person that is praised is not only much approved by others, but he is also much proved. Praise given to someone will allow us to see that true person. The response to praise reveals much about the individual.  Either the person reflects an air of vindication, deservedness or they reflect an air of humility or undeserved-ness. The man or woman of God is tested by the praise they receive.

To seek the praise of other people is a reflection of the world within us. The praise we receive is actually a greater trial to the person who lives by principle than is criticism or ridicule. Christians live by principles. The Word of God is our standard for living. If God is working out His plan for your life each day, then when praise is given, who gets the glory? For some, such praise makes them more careful and diligent in giving God the credit for their success. They are humbled by the offer of praise by redirect the audience to the One who should be praised.

Be careful in the praise you give to others. Remember to use moderation in the praise you give. Such praise must entail the celebration of what God contributed to the success of each of us. Be careful in the praise you receive. Those who praise you may need to hear of your thankfulness to God. Your response to praise may be your opportunity to preach and evangelize.

The furnace and the crucible are used to prove which part of the liquid is the true metal. So it is for us when God allows praise to come our way. The fire is burning and we must be mindful of what our metal really is.

Ministry Scenes

Have The Homeless Become Invisible?