Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Watering Down The Word

Matthew 7:15              Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

How exactly is the false prophet identified? If he looks like a good prophet, how are we going to tell the difference?

      The false prophet will look the part. He is dressed like the prophet. The language is the same and the subject is biblical. His speech and life appears to be in line with other Christians. He is subtle in appearance.  However, he lacks narrowness in his life.

The difference can be found in his preaching. It is not restrictive. It does not guide people to the narrow path. He fails to include vital aspects of the Gospel in his ministry. There is nothing in his message that is offensive to hear. He is comforting and reassuring in all he says. There is nothing uncomfortable or disturbing to us. There is no convicting spirit in the words.   

There is also a lack of doctrine in the false prophet’s message. He seems to only emphasize the love of God. He does not remind the listener of God's judgment, of our sinfulness, the penalty for sin, nor the righteous wrath of God. He talks vaguely and in generalities of all the truths in God's Word. Our eternal destiny is often overlooked.

Lastly, he talks of the sins of man and not the sinful nature of all of mankind. He allows the listener to assume that he believes all the deeper aspects of God's Truth. He does not emphasize man's inability to provide for his salvation before God. The true meaning of God's Grace as it pertains to our justification is not preached. 

Ministry Scenes

Have The Homeless Become Invisible?