Thursday, July 17, 2014

Obey The Kings, For God's Sake

Ezra 7:25-26               Ezra, in accordance with the wisdom of your God, which you possess, appoint magistrates and judges to administer justice to all the people of Trans-Euphrates—all who know the laws of your God. And you are to teach any who do not know them. Whoever does not obey the law of your God and the law of the king must surely be punished....

Ezra had been a model citizen in captivity. He grew up being instructed in the teachings handed down from God to Moses. In living among the Babylonians he caught their eye because of his studious obedience to his faith practices and by the way he conducted himself with  the King and his authorities. As a student of God, Ezra understood how God “is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes”. (Daniel 4:17)

Jesus says to His disciples that if you are “faithful with a few things; [He] will put you in charge of many things.” (Matthew 25:21) Christian missionaries working overseas must be obedient to the ruling authorities in those lands. Kingdom workers in nearby places like Jericho Road Ministries must be obedient to the governing authorities of the state, too. In both cases kingdom workers are to be obedient to God’s Word and to the Christian leaders who have been placed over them. 

If you are in ministry at your church or in the community then someone is overseeing your ministry work. The Christian brother or sister who is supervising you is responsible to God for you. They must give an account to Him of their teaching you and their leading you. God has called that person and you into this relationship. We are no different than Ezra and the Israelites for whom he was responsible to God for teaching the complete Law of Moses.

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Have The Homeless Become Invisible?