Saturday, July 26, 2014

Organized And Coordinated Action

Nehemiah 3:5              The next section was repaired by the men of Tekoa, but their nobles would not put their shoulders to the work under their supervisors.

Nehemiah orchestrated one of the most important and largest building projects in the Bible. His skills included that of organization, coordination, team building and detailed planning. When you read chapter three you need to remember that these gates and walls spanned a total linear distance of nearly two miles. The gates were strategic in allowing friends into the city and for keeping enemies out. Their strength was crucial to the safety of the inhabitants. The walls were massive in both height and width, ensuring no one could scale or breach them.

Equally important to the rebuilding of the gates and walls was that of rebuilding the community of God’s people. Development of the social relationships among God’s people is as important to their safety as were the stones and wood beams. Nehemiah wisely divided the work force into organized and manageable crews. He placed them in areas of common interest and shared geography. His success, given of course by God, grew out of the way he confronted opposition and the way he organized the efforts of everyone.

Despite his efforts, there were some among the Jews who did not support Nehemiah’s plan. These nobles reflect the sad but true fact that there are some man-made nobles among God’s people. They reveal themselves by an unwillingness to be involved in the tasks of Nehemiah’s ministry. Their indifference to his leadership is rather an indifference to God’s commands. They would have to answer to Him one day for their sin.

            Like Jerusalem’s walls, our lives reflect areas in need of rebuilding. How we choose to manage this work will determine the final product of our lives. If we choose to perform our own “make-over” we will find in the end that our efforts fell short. However, if we choose God to do the work, we will find ourselves healed and made complete both in this life and in the life to come. Pray that the One who redeemed you will continue to rebuild you.

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