Monday, April 7, 2014


Romans 8:28               And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

When believers suffer for Christ, they are not getting a taste of their future. We are not on a road that leads to destruction, but on one that leads to dignity. The hardships along our way are means by which God brings us to glory.

Think of it this way. God calls us to troubles as surgeons invite us to their operating tables. Their knives inflict terrible pain. No sane person enjoys the ordeal of surgery. To deny the anguish is to lie. Nonetheless, we voluntarily submit to the knife. Why? We allow them to cut because the pain will bring about better health in the future.

Paul tells us here that the same thing is true of God. He tells us to submit to the knife of suffering for Christ for the good it will bring to us. God is working all of our troubles into something wonderful for us. We can submit to his call because he promises to work the pain for our good.

This perspective on the plan of God causes us to breathe a sigh of relief. We can all remember times when we have seen God bring good out of bad.

Designed For Dignity. By Richard L. Pratt, Jr.,  pgs. 192-193.

Ministry Scenes

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