Sunday, January 8, 2012


John 3:16        For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

This must be the most quoted and memorized verse in all of the New Testament. The mission of Jesus Christ, the nature of God, the need of man and the avenue to life are summed up here. In this verse we  the intent and purpose of John’s Gospel.

Christ’s mission is to bring about the will of the Father. His mission is not to amaze us with miracles, meet our material needs or cure us of all diseases. No, his mission is to bring into the world a salvation for mankind’s greatest problem, sin. His short life is the offering of a final sacrifice or payment for the penalty of our sins. Once completed, he would accomplish the goal set by the father and distribute that accomplishment to people throughout the world and throughout every generation.

God is love. Over the centuries people have rejected the God of the Bible because of the history of war and slaughter found in the Old Testament. They have read limited portions of Scripture and have drawn their own conclusions about God. Looking at the suffering and evil in the world they have deduced that a God who would allow such suffering was not worthy of their worship or obedience. But God gave of himself in order that the evil and sin within a person could be forgiven and that the everlasting life we each will share would be one with him and not one in hell.

Many a mistake a man makes. Sin is the root of all our struggles in life. It causes us to do the things we do not want to do and prohibits us from doing the things we should do. What a woeful state we find ourselves in. We cannot educate ourselves out of sin. We cannot obey our way around sin. We cannot talk our way into goodness. The bottom line, we are slaves to sin.

The road to life is found through faith in the One God has sent. Faith and trust in Jesus Christ is our road to recovery. God loved us enough to send the best. Whoever believes in him is not condemned. Whoever lives by this truth comes into the light and sees plainly that what has been done in them has been done through God.

Ministry Scenes

Have The Homeless Become Invisible?