Monday, October 28, 2013


John 11:25-26    Jesus said to Martha, “I AM the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”  

In this section of the Bible we come to a new hope unveiled. Job and David expressed desire for a life after death, a desire without  assurance that such a hope could exist. Here, for the first time, a resurrection of all believers is clearly stated. We also learn of the power behind the resurrection this of believers and the source of that power.

Martha, the sister of Mary, was the one busy with cooking and preparation the earlier time Jesus visited them. While Mary sat at Jesus’ feet listening to him speak, Martha was busy with all the needs of hosting the visitors and complained to Jesus that Mary wasn’t helping her. Jesus lovingly spoke of the greater things people like Mary want for their life and opened the door for her to join them.

Martha reminds me of a certain type of believer. They do not distrust Jesus, but neither do they believe with a fully assured confidence that allows him or her to lay aside their care, and rest in His promised provision. They believe but they are continually asking: How, Why, or What If questions. They miss Jesus’ blessings of a full life because they do not believe for simply, more in a childlike manner.

This kind of faith seems to limit God or limit his promises. Martha reflects this in her words: “If you had been here, my brother would not have died.” Jesus delayed his visit intentionally. Her words were a rebuke of Jesus, knowing she had sent word to him in enough time for Jesus to have come and healed Lazarus.  Secondly, faith like Martha’s treats the words of Jesus impersonally. When Jesus says to her that her brother will rise again, Martha pushes this promise into the distant, unknown future. She says that Jesus’ words had no meaning or relationship to her or the current situation.

Jesus Christ’s promises are all inclusive. There is a promise of spiritual life and physical life, a promise of life now and also a life to come. Most urgently important is the clearly stated fact that this life is only for those who believe in Jesus Christ and are members of his covenant family. 

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