Wednesday, July 13, 2016



1 John 5:9-10       We accept man's testimony, but God's testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his Son. Anyone who believes in the Son of God has this testimony in his heart.
The court room was disturbingly silent. The jurors leaned forward in anticipation. The courtroom observers sat with their eyes fixed straight ahead. The attorneys and judge sat braced, like stone pillars awaiting the earthquake. The witness was about to give the chilling details of the crime scene. He was going to give facts that could not be discounted or disputed. He had been at the scene, hidden in the adjacent woods. He and another had seen the entire event unfold and were now ready to tell everyone the truth. The jury could not possibly dispute their eye witness claims. The end to the trial was drawing breathtakingly close.

            In our struggle to present the Gospel as witnesses of Christ, we are faced with a strange problem. First, we were not their at the scene when Christ performed his miracles. We did not know the blind man before he received his sight. The empty hands and growling bellies of the 3000 people that had followed Christ to the hillside were neither seen nor heard by us. When he was betrayed by a friend we were not reclining with him at the dinner meal. When he was lead through the streets, carrying his cross, when he was stripped, flogged and nailed to the cross we know no one who was there. We have no tangible evidence or proof for these events.

            Our second dilemma is that the written testimony available about Christ is one of millions of books available to our audiences. In our modern world truth is being presented by ways of television, radio, internet, books, magazines, etc. People are bombarded with more information for living than any people in human history’s past. Technology is threatening to strangle the very necks of humanity it was designed to bring life to. How can these dilemmas be overcome? What are we to do in presenting the truth to a lost and wandering world?

            The truth is not found in artifacts from the past nor words written by mortal men. Our witness is God himself. Through us to a dying world comes God’s expert testimony. God has placed the true testimony about Christ in our hearts. We know the truth and it has set us free. We are the witnesses whose hearts have been overwritten  by the finger of God to provide the silent, anticipating and stone pillared world new life.

Ministry Scenes

Have The Homeless Become Invisible?