Monday, June 6, 2016



John 2:18-19  The Jews demanded of him, “What miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?” Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”

This exchange occurred after Jesus cleared the temple courts of shepherds selling livestock and men exchanging currencies. The place of worship for God’s people had become commercialized. No longer was God’s temple building and courts a place of awe, reverence and dignity. It had become a place that reflected the cultural norms, priorities and interests of the people. Worshipers had to force their way through those who had established other agendas for the temple courts. The focus had turned away from one looking upward in worship to God. They now were focused on material fulfillment and human approval.

Again Jesus’ actions are misunderstood. The people demanded to know by what right he could do this clearing of their temple courts. They wanted a sign, another miracle that proved his authority to judge their actions and criticize their use of the temple courts. The conflict was not merely over what was permitted within the temple areas but over who wielded ultimate authority over life and worship.

Jesus’ response was intended to take their focus away from the building to the real temple, the body in which God really dwells, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” They did not understand him then and they do not understand him today. It was not until after Jesus was raised from the dead that his followers understood this response he gave.

Religion can distort our view of God. The practices and biases of man can interfere with the truth as we strive to draw near to Him. Many drew close to Jesus for they recognized the signs and wonders as living proof of who Jesus was, the Messiah, the Son of God. They believed in Him because of what they saw. Others believed much later, after he was crucified and raised himself to life again. Sooner or later they believed.

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