Wednesday, May 25, 2016

YOUR SELF-WORTH Psalm 71:1-4


Psalm 71:1-4 In you, O LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame. Rescue me and deliver me in your righteousness; turn your ear to me and save me. Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress. Deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of evil and cruel men.
Working with three other men in a close and cramped room, we toiled unrelentlessly on the company budget. Getting up for a drink, I walked around the cluttered table and tripped over an unseen cord. Black, went the computer monitors. Everyone in the room froze. I looked down in disbelief to see the power cord for the computers unplugged. I had zapped all the work we had completed that day. No one had backed up the system.

Thoughts and feelings flooded over me. I felt as if I had let everyone down. I thought I had wasted the time we all had put in that day. I felt so imcompetent and helpless. What an idiot I was to have not seen the cord. What a failure I am. Then the others responded. I let their words of anger affirm my stinking thinking at that moment. I believed their lies about me. I was falling head first into the abyss of self defeat. In the end I had allowed by self worth and acceptance be determined by an accident, by unfortunate circumstances. Their failure to do a back-up to save the work became my failure. They had done nothing to cause the situation. They did not see that their actions or lack of action as a contributing factor to this situation. I would be the scapegoat. I let myself become the scapegoat.

The causes of a low self-worth are many. Neglect teaches the person being neglected that what others are doing is more important. Children, for example, who are left unattended by parents are left to believe that they are less valuable and important than the careers of their parents. Failure compounds our low self-worth when it is viewed as the only course of action or activity to choose from. Failure, seen in this way, denies the variety and opportunities that the life God has given us truly affords in every circumstance we encounter. Think of Moses. He failed in many ways and saw himself through the lens of low self-worth, yet God insisted that he would be the leader of the people, Israel. Failure is something we do but it is not something we are. Unforgiven sin, like termites, will eat away the foundation of our self-worth. Satan wants us to measure our value by what we do, what we have and how we look. Satan encourages us to think that our actions can never be forgiven and new choices with new results be made.

Josh 1:5; Phil. 4:13; 1 John 1:9; Charles Stanley “Our Unmet Needs” p.225 

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