Friday, March 25, 2016


James 2:21-22  Was not our ancestor Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.

Kirk Nowery tells the story of a speech given by King George VI of England. It was an important radio speech at a disarmament conference in the 1930’s. As someone walked across the stage and tripped on the wires for the King’s microphone, his message was about to be cut off. The engineer in charge, seeing what had happened, quickly grabbed the wire that was broken, and held it in his hands, making his body the conduit for the electricity needed for the microphone. He held that wire for twenty minutes, until the King was done speaking. It must have been a very painful experience. Afterward he had some burns on his hands. Thus the world got to hear the King’s message without interruption.

            The engineer recognized the importance of the message to be delivered. He recognized his own life in the King’s service was in jeopardy. His actions reflected his trust in the King’s leadership. In one simple yet painful act, we see this man’s faith. How often do you and I turn from an action of faith because we know it will hurt? Pain is not just physical but is emotional, psychological and spiritual. When was the last time you put off a difficult relationship or meeting because of the potential for emotional pain? How often do we run from doing what is right because it will “hurt”?

            Abraham’s faith led him to into the pain of doubt, anger, confusion, uncertainty, and the potential for loss and grief. Instead of running, he prepared for the smallest details of the sacrifice. Trust accompanied his pain-filled steps of faith. As a result, God’s message was communicated. Sometimes we can never anticipate what outcome God will bring. Like Abraham, God wants us to struggle with the pain that faith in Him often entails. God uses us to communicate His will to others. That can be painful. But we can be sure that God knows the end results and they are always perfect. Now that’s good news!

Jericho Road Ministries: Chapel Service. Rev. Bruce W. Gimbel

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