Tuesday, January 12, 2016


John 6:29        The crowds asked Jesus, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

 Jesus fed 5,000 people with a boy’s five small barley loaves and two small fish (John 6:9). The disciples had seen no available resources available to help so many people. The result of this feeding miracle was that the people he fed wanted to make him king, by force. Later that day, the disciples boarded a boat to cross the lake. On the way a large wind threatened to capsize them. Jesus approached the boat walking on the water. They were at least three miles from shore. The disciples were terrified.

People today struggle to understand and make sense of Jesus’ miracles. People work hard to find an earthly explanation for feeding 5,000 people. Could it be that many people had already eaten, having brought their own food. Maybe those needing food were in the minority and the crumbs left over were the remnants from people who had brought food.  Was Jesus able to walk on water because he knew where the sand bars and hidden boulders were in the lake? Maybe the wind had blown the water so fiercely that the level of the lake dropped to a foot deep. Explanations leaves us with answers that require more faith than the miracle itself.

             To believe that Jesus is the Son of God gifted with the powers to perform these miracles is a struggle for many people. It takes great effort to believe, trust and walk in His footsteps. To explain his miracles Jesus says that we are to work at believing that He is the one God sent into the world. Believing is work. It is a struggle to set aside our propensity for explanation and to trust that what is said about Jesus is true, accurate and historical. To believe that Jesus is the Son of God is work. Not performing good deeds, not feeding nor clothing but working to believe is the most difficult task we face each day as Christians.

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