Thursday, October 8, 2015

Learning By Doing

Romans 2:13               For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.

Remember when the education technique called “sleep-teaching” was popular? The idea was that by listening to records or tapes while you slept, you could learn great amounts of information and your life would be improved. Some people tried listening to records of foreign languages, expecting to speak fluent Spanish in the morning. Other people listened to diet records, expecting to wake up slimmer, or at least with a hatred for all things chocolate.

This technique did not work very well for a number of reasons. One reason it failed was that people did not learn unless they practiced what they heard. Many people like me have listened to baseball games on the radio for years, but still can’t hit the ball past the infield. On Saturdays I watch the fishing shows on TV and still can’t catch a fish larger than my bait!

Some Jews felt tht they were righteous before God because thay had heard the law of God read or discussed. Hearing the Word of God does not make us Holy. Even Satan has heard all of the scriptures and can even quote them to Jesus. He is not justified before God by his hearing of Scripture. The reason is that he refuses to do what the law of God commands.

We are never going to be disciples of Christ just by listening to sermons, reading the Bible or spending time each day in this devotional. We must act on what we hear and read. Our lives must reflect the teachings we have learned and appropriated into our daily activities. We do not become disciples by sitting in church. Disciples take what they receive from reading the Word, listening to sermons and fellowshipping in church and then practicing it in their normal daily lives.

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