Wednesday, May 27, 2015


After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.' His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" Matthew 25:19-21

          Our tendency as a culture is to want more in our lives. We want more possessions. We want more compliments from others. We want to be noticed for our new car, boat or home. Advertising continues to stir our passion for more. Advertising demands that you see the value of new possessions as greater than those that are just a year of two old. We are always being pushed to acquire more and newer things to improve our lives. Yet satisfaction continues to allude us. Like the proverbial rat on the treadmill, we continue to run in circles. The drive for more and newer leaves us in a hurry as we run through life. Never are we satisfied. Adding unhealthy addictions and passions, our lives begin to spiral into behavior that demands we have what the advertisers tell us.

          What happened to us all that we are not satisfied with the little things in life? What is it about us as humans that seems to drive us to achieve what no possession can ever deliver: peace and contentment? Why are so few people that we know, not satisfied with themselves and their lives? We pray and worship God but find him not delivering on the "blessings" we have read in his book, the Bible? Life is no longer about growing and investing our time and talents, thereby building and receiving the fruit of our labors. Life becomes the never-ending advertisement that sells us on "demanding" for our lives what we see in the lives of others.

          These are only a few of the questions heard from clients here at the Mission. They are struggling to have what other people have in terms of jobs, possessions and relationships. Yet they continue to fail in reaching their goals. Why, they ask me, am I not able to have what I want?

          The answer to all this is complex. There is not enough room to give a full and complete answer, But an answer I can give. I share it with our people here at the Mission almost weekly, if not daily. It goes like this: "If you are not faithful with the things in life that God has given you, then you cannot expect Him to give you more of the same and allow you to squander or waste the increase."

          The reason our clients are with us is that they have abused the privileges and possessions God has given them in their life. They abused the people in their lives spiritually, emotionally and physically. They squandered their incomes on themselves and the possessions they desired more than people. They have rejected the responsibilities God gave them in marriage, in child rearing and in their employment. The "little" things in their lives were no big deal to them. In time they ignored, wasted and squandered what God had provided them. Today they have none of the hope and potential their lives once held.

          The good news for many of our clients is that they have "heard" our message. In Christ Jesus they can find forgiveness for their past. In Christ Jesus, today, they will find the trust and hope that builds within them the faith to accept full responsibility for their God given lives. Through Him they can manage the "little" things in life and move forward receiving more as God determines. In this way they are rebuilding their lives and creating a future of thankfulness for what God wants for them. In time, we pray, they will hear Christ say to them, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"

Ministry Scenes

Have The Homeless Become Invisible?