Thursday, December 11, 2014


Psalm 23:4b                I will fear no evil, for you are with me;

The cruise liner sailing the seas requires a special leadership style in the captain. He must be concerned with the ship’s destination and the comfort of the individual passenger. He must be present with the crew and those enjoying vacations. He must be side by side with people to ensure both objectives are met, not one or the other.

Same is the case with the shepherd leader. He must have his eye on the individual sheep and the direction that the flock is headed. His work is not an either-or effort but both-and journey. The shepherd who loses this dual focus will find his flock scattered and their useful purpose lost.

To accomplish side-by side goals the shepherd leader will need to diligently remove irritants, provide resources to others or reassign work. Irritants arise when the wrong people are put to work with sheep that are listening to the shepherd. Those who cannot or will not follow the shepherd become disruptive to those who are following. They cannot feed on the mission that others are busy working to administer. Irritants can cause dis-unity and distraction to the others who are working hard to further the mission.

Secondly, the shepherd needs to know the tools that his staff need to accomplish their work. Encouragement, training, efficient tools and good co-laborers become the resources that the staff may need to accomplish their work and meet their goals. Nothing should distract the shepherd from providing a productive, efficient and safe work place for others.

Lastly, it may happen that people are not fitted properly to a specific job. It may be that their talents or skills are bettered suited for another place within the organizations. The shepherd knows his sheep well enough to move people from place to place to ensure an efficient and productive operation. In this way the employee finds greater fulfillment in their work, co-workers see the benefit of team work and the organization can meet its mission. 

Ministry Scenes

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