Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Psalm 23:6a                Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.

I am going to ask you to do something. I want you to summarize what you have learned in life in a single statement. Yup, take all your years to this moment and summarize them in one life statement. Are you terrified or scared? How long does it take you to do this?

When asked this question, Nikita Khrushchev, a former leader of the old Soviet Union said: “Never turn your back”. Conrad Hilton, the founder of the Hilton Hotel chain said: “The shower curtain goes inside the tub.” Many people settle for simple, shallow views of life. We do not need to be a philosopher to have our own creed to live by. But we should know our basic or foundational belief from which our life grows.

Shepherds know the basics. David’s foundational belief as a shepherd was that the sheep are to be protected and nurtured. Without this principle he and others would perish, life would have no material goods and things would be much worse for them all. Sheep were his livelihood.

As shepherd leaders, people are our livelihood. The choices we make each day impact our relationships with people, at home, in the community and at work. For Christians, people are the only “things” that will live in eternity. Mountains pass away. Oceans dry up. Trees decay into the floor of the forest. But all people live forever. Where they live forever is determined now.

Shepherds can lead by responding to circumstances. Or they can lead in response to people. The vision for the shepherd changes when they live in response to people. The focus moves from circumstances to eternity. Where will my sheep live when life here ends? The vision and foundation for leadership moves to the eternal needs of the sheep and what, I, as leader can do to ensure their eternal reward. The right vision directs our leadership.

Ministry Scenes

Have The Homeless Become Invisible?