Monday, December 15, 2014


Psalm 23:5c                My cup overflows.

The demands of life begin from the moment we awaken each day. To-do lists dictate much of our home and work life. Visitors, phone calls, outside appointments, meetings and lunches consume our days. By the end of a day you look back and find many duties unfinished or un-started. The hours never seem enough to get it all done. This is living life from the demand side. The demand of the list creates pressure and impossible deadlines.

King David found the secret to living life with his daily cup overflowing. There was more in his life, an abundance that allowed him to say earlier “I shall not want”. His life was sufficient and he was content. No longer did his life reflect an endless stream of wearying demands.

The secret to his overflow was his relationship to God. He knew God would meet the needs of his day. Circumstances and provisions are always fulfilled by God. The stress of trying to complete work, minimize distractions or simply find quiet uninterrupted hours to work can only be solved by God. Trusting him, listening to his promptings and prioritizing life according to His rules will begin to change your daily flow of life.

Oftentimes the problems we face can only be fixed with a more intimate walk with Him. When we allow the Holy Spirit to change us and mold us into the image of Christ then life is viewed from a different perspective. The urgencies begin to lose their grip on us. People become more important than papers and pens.

Do as Christ said: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Then watch as your cup begins to overflow each day.

Ministry Scenes

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