Sunday, November 2, 2014


Galatians 6:9     And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

In 1982, internal-medicine resident Barry Marshall was frustrated that there was no cure for his patients who had ulcers. While studying a stomach biopsy, he saw organisms resembling Campylobacter bacteria, which was first identified by his hospital’s pathologist, Dr. Robin Warren. For the next year, Marshall and Warren studied over 100 ulcer patients and found this bacteria in 87 percent of the cases.

Other leading specialists, however, insisted that the bacteria developed after the specimens were removed from the patients. For decades, clinical researchers had concluded that ulcers were based on weak stomach linings. Marshall’s bacterial theory was snubbed.

Undaunted, Warren and Marshall continued to study cultured bacteria and found that a combination of drugs destroyed it. Again, their work and report was met with skepticism. Marshall reported study after study, yet doctors refused to conduct clinical trials to substantiate his findings. But finally, four years after his reports, trials were started and confirmed Marshall’s bacterial theory and his treatment methods.

Today, stomach ulcers and some cancers can be successfully treated because someone would not accept no for an answer. Failure in people is caused more by a lack of determination than a lack of talent. Keep on keeping on, friends.

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