Monday, August 18, 2014

The Power Behind Our Work

Romans 15:18-19       I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done— by the power of signs and miracles, through the power of the Spirit.

Much of what is accomplished at the mission with our clients is a miracle. I say this because the changes that occur in them are beyond what we offer clients. Food, clothing, shelter and life skill classes cannot change a heart. Bible studies that begin with the basics about Christ seem to be less than what a person should need to effect change in such a short period of time.

The reality is that God the Holy Spirit is at work in these men and women. They are led to us in a variety of ways and under circumstances that no human could orchestrate. Frail and frazzled they enter and begin to live among us. Confused and unsure about our staff and their surroundings they settle into the early days of the programs here.

But each hour that goes by the Holy Spirit is working within their minds and hearts. Change is comeing. The worst thing we can do is to discount God’s ability to heal and to change lives. When we take credit for anything that happens to them is to take from God. Our best defense and best counseling is to give God the credit for everything they receive here at the mission. The physical, mental and spiritual change is proof to the Holy Spirit’s presence and work. Giving him the glory gives the client the ongoing reminder that God is working in them. It causes them to ponder these words and the reality of the changes they are experiencing. Clients are now learning of the Person of Power behind the work we do and the work they do at the mission.

Ministry Scenes

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