Friday, August 15, 2014

Submit To Authority

Romans 13:1               Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

I scare myself sometimes. I do not like wearing a seat belt. For several years after that became the law, I drove my car and never put it on. I do not like driving at the speed limit. I prefer to go as fast as I can when driving, unless of course there are too many other cars on the road and I must drive slower. I like to complain about the laws that our government create because they do not make sense to me, they seem quite unpractical and self-serving. I liked to skip class when I was in school because the teacher was boring and I had more fun with my friends. I could go on, but you get the message. Your list is probably similar to mine, isn’t it? Oh, I almost forgot, I don’t particularly like this chapter in Romans, either.

I have learned over the years the truth about this passage. I learned it the hard way of course. Every time I bucked the system or disobeyed the law I was rewarded. I got my license suspended for too many speeding tickets. I got suspended from school for skipping classes. I got thrown in jail for selling illegal drugs. I complained to my teachers about their style of teaching and received added homework and detention. I got a ticket for not wearing the seat belt.  I could do everything my way and I did. I also got everything that was due me by my disobedience to authority.

Christians can be no different than unbelievers when it comes to authority. But we should know better. Like the law of physics states: every action has an equal and opposite reaction. You and I can never go against gravity. Jump off a building and you will never soar away up into the clouds. No matter how much you want to soar, you will always fall to the ground. God has ordained gravity to always bring you down.

All authority is from God. The authorities in the home, mom and dad, your boss at work, the police, the judges, the federal government are all authorities ordained by God to act on His behalf. Like gravity, when you fight them you will always and eventually get the reward that disobedience promises. Really, it’s true. I know because I spent years bucking them all. Not anymore.     

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