Sunday, May 5, 2013


           Prayer is our greatest resource for mission work here at Jericho Road. In the Gospels we often read of Jesus spending solitary time to pray to his Father. To be effective in our ministry we take time each day to pray for our clients, staff and supporters. Prayer makes a difference in our lives and in our mission work. Prayer impacts our future and the lives of our clients. God not only answers our prayers, but He does so with much greater force, power and impact than our words and requests seem to call for.

            In Revelation 8:1-5 we see the whole of heaven standing before God in great anticipation of the seventh seal being opened. There we see that an angel took all the prayers offered by the saints within a golden censer. The angel does not merely offer this to God but fills the censer with fire and throws it back to earth. With this all of heaven breaks loose on earth. That is the power of our prayers as God sends His answer.

Your prayers for this ministry are answered with power and with His effect. God supports His ministry in this place through the prayers of His people. Your support brings God’s power to bear on the hearts and minds of the men, women and children we serve each day. Continue to pray that God will have His way with Jericho Road Ministries.

Ministry Scenes

Have The Homeless Become Invisible?